The braking system of your car is the foundation of your car's safety. It is necessary for reducing the car speed and stopping it, and also keeps the car in the parking mode.
Over time, any parts wear out, so it is important to carry out regular maintenance and send the car in time for preventive repairs. The specialists of the AUTOMIX.EE car service will help you with this.
The brakes system can be adjusted by eliminating fluid leakage from the hydraulic actuator, removing air from the hydraulic brake actuation system, adjusting the parking brake, brake pedal free travel and the gap between the brake pads and the drum. If there are defective parts, these parts must be replaced with new ones.
- Increased braking distance. This reduces traffic safety: the probability that a driver will not be able to quickly stop his/her car in a difficult situation increases;
- Decreased ease of steering. If the vehicle skids while braking, the brake system should be repaired as soon as possible. Poor steering on wet or icy roads can cause an accident;
- Pedal blocking. The pedal may fail at the most inopportune moment;
- Extraneous knocks and squeaks, which an experienced driver will easily notice, also indicate to malfunctions;
- Uneven wear of the brake pads and heating of the drums.
It is important to notice the first signs of brake system malfunctions in time and contact our specialists.