Timing Timing Belt Replacement
Almost all car parts wear out over time, it is especially important to monitor the condition of the car engine.
A timing belt is a complex unit. A break in such a belt leads to serious consequences and problems with the car engine, because it is with its help that the timing gear gets in motion. A sudden stop of the timing belt almost inevitably causes the breakdown of the valves and the head of cylinder block.
Car owners need to regularly check the tension and condition of the timing belt.
In order to ensure the car safety, you should replace the timing belt with a new one if there is even the slightest doubt about its serviceability. The specialists of the AUTOMIX.EE car service will help you with this issue.
The service life of a timing belt depends on the mileage of the car, the duration of the engine operation and the conditions of its operation.
Due to different operating conditions, it is necessary to carry out an individual assessment of the timing belt in the course of each maintenance.
On average, our experts recommend changing the timing belt every 60,000 km.